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If I Change My Filing Status, How Does It Affect My Adjusted Gross Income?

1 min read

1 min read

When you e-file your taxes, you use your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) from your previous year’s taxes as a reference to verify your identity. However, if you change your filing status as a married taxpayer, you’ll need to take note of special instructions.

  • If you’re changing to married filing jointly, then each taxpayer will use their individual original AGI amounts from their respective 2023 tax returns.
  • If you’re changing from married filing jointly, each taxpayer will use the same original total AGI amount from the 2023 joint return.

Not sure which filing status is the best for your situation? It’s likely that you could owe more or less in taxes depending on which filing status you choose. Review our article about the benefits of filing jointly vs. separately.

More Information About Your Adjusted Gross Income

You can find your Adjusted Gross Income on your previous year’s tax forms. For 2020, you should look on Form 1040, Line 11.

Still have questions about whether you should change your filing status or about which adjusted gross income number to use? One of our tax pros would be happy to help. Visit your local H&R Block tax office to make an appointment.

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