All about Form 1095-B
As you start to look through your stack of tax forms, some may be more familiar than others. If you’re wondering what is Form 1095-B, we have an answer for you.
“What is Form 1095-B?”
First, let’s define “what is Form 1095-B?” Officially titled, Form 1095-B, Health Coverage, this is the universal form for healthcare coverage not identified on Form 1095-A or 1095-C.
The following types of healthcare coverage are listed on Form 1095-B:
- Private insurance companies
- Government-sponsored programs, like:
- Basic Health Program
- Coverage administered by the Department of Veteran Affairs
- Coverage for Peace Corps volunteers
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Self-insured employers
- Smaller employers (with less than 50 employees)
- HRAs
It’s what the IRS calls an information return, and you may use the information reported on the document on your individual tax return.
“What does Tax Form 1095-B report?”
Tax Form 1095-B reports the month(s) you had health insurance coverage.

- Part I: Identifies the personal information of the person that is responsible for the plan (the person whose name is on the plan)
- Part II: Includes information about certain employer-sponsored healthcare programs
- Part III: Has issuer or other coverage provider information
- Part IV: Includes form fields where the insurer provides more information about the individuals covered by the plan, including their name, Social Security number or TIN, date of birth. Then the insurer checks the months where coverage was provided.
Tax history of Form 1095-B
Under the Affordable Care Act, you were required to have minimum essential healthcare insurance coverage for each month out of the year — or a healthcare exemption for qualifying individuals. If you didn’t have the coverage, you incurred a healthcare tax penalty.
Starting in 2019, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act undid the federal healthcare penalty. But, the 1095 form series still exists to summarize healthcare coverage for individuals. (You will get Form 1095-A, Form 1095-B, or Form 1095-C based on who provided your health insurance coverage.)
“How do I get my 1095-B form?”
The entity providing the healthcare coverage will send Form 1094-B to the IRS — and you will get a copy (Form 1095-B). Copies are sent by insurers by March 1 each year.
“How do I get my Form 1095-B from a government-sponsored program?”
If you question “how do I get my Form 1095-B from Medicare online?”— here’s the answer:
You may receive Form 1095-B from Medicare via mail. You don’t need to download the form yourself. If you need a replacement Form 1095-B, call 1-800-MEDICARE.
If you need Form 1095-B from another government-sponsored program such as Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, visit the program’s online portal or contact them to request a copy.
Help with Form 1095-B and other tax forms
If you need more guidance on Form 1095-C or other healthcare tax topics, we can help.
For guidance on understanding the tax impact of health insurance coverage (or general tax help), call 1-800-HRBLOCK or visit a local H&R Block office.
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