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What Should I Do If the IRS Rejected My Tax Return Because My AGI Was Wrong?

2 min read

2 min read

When you sign your e-filed return, the IRS requires you to enter your prior-year adjusted gross income (AGI) exactly as it appears on your prior-year return. If your prior year AGI is wrong when you file, the IRS will reject your return. In most cases, when the IRS has rejected your tax return AGI, you can easily fix the amount and e-file your return again.

To e-file your return again:

  1. Open your return in the H&R Block Tax Software.
  2. Go to the File menu and choose Filing Options.
  3. Choose E-File and proceed through the filing screens.
  4. On the Your 2023 Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) screen, correct the AGI for the primary taxpayer and / or spouse (if applicable). If you don’t know your AGI, click the What should I do if my return was rejected because the 2023 AGI doesn’t match IRS records? FAQ link.
  5. If you imported your prior-year AGI and the amount is wrong, right click the field and choose Override. This won’t prevent you from e-filing or void any H&R Block guarantees.
  6. Go through the rest of the filing screens to resubmit your return. If you filed a state return along with your federal return, you also need to resubmit your state return. You won’t be charged for resubmitting a rejected return.

When You Can’t Find Your Prior-Year AGI After the IRS Rejected Your AGI

If you can’t get your prior-year AGI from last year’s tax return or the IRS, you’ll need to file your return by mail. With H&R Block, the IRS rejecting a tax return due to AGI is no problem. We’ll help make it easy by including mailing instructions with your printed return.

To file your return by mail:

  1. Go to the File menu and choose Filing Options.
  2. Choose Print and mail and go through the filing screens.

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