Premium & Business is best for:

  • Personal and business taxes in one place

  • Reporting business expenses

You could pay less for H&R Block Premium & Business tax software than for TurboTax

auto-renew your tax software



Deluxe + State


Premium & Business

Single or married
Single or married
Single or married
Single or married
Single or married
Had dependents
Had dependents
Had dependents
Had dependents
Had dependents
Owned a home
Owned a home
Owned a home
Owned a home
Owned a home
Had investments
Had investments
Had investments
Had investments
Had investments
Owned rental property
Owned rental property
Owned rental property
Owned rental property
Owned rental property
Self-employed or freelancer
Self-employed or freelancer
Self-employed or freelancer
Self-employed or freelancer
Self-employed or freelancer
Owned a business
Owned a business
Owned a business
Owned a business
Owned a business

Software updates

We make periodic updates to our tax software to reflect the latest changes from the IRS. If you own H&R Block software, it’s easy to install tax software updates.

File for a previous tax year

Need to file a past return? We’ve got you covered with prior-year software editions for federal and state taxes.

File with a tax pro

Gather your docs and let your tax pro do the rest. Just review and approve your return. Meet in an office or via chat, phone, or video.

File taxes online

File from your smartphone or computer. Get guidance every step of the way.

Tax help included in Deluxe, Premium, and Self-Employed do-it-yourself products.